Is Social Media More Popular Than Email?

For mobile device users it is

Online publishers place a great deal of focus on email with good reason. It’s a direct way to stay in contact with consumers.

Consumers in the US using personal computers still spend time each week, about 5.1 hours, on their email, according to a new study. However, when it comes to mobile users, social media appears to be more popular.

A recent article on Mashable discussed findings from a survey conducted by the research company TNS. The studied found that mobile users spend 1.4 times as many hours using social networking sites than they spend on email.


These new findings shouldn’t worry online publishers. Consumers still spend more time on email than on social media while using computers. Email is still important to these consumers. However, since social media has become more important on mobile devices, online publishers can utilize these findings by focusing on their social media strategy. Engage your audience, keep them up-to-date on relevant information and give them a place to share their own experiences.

For more on this topic, check out Mashable’s article or read about the direct findings from TNS, the research group behind the survey.


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